"life is full of beauty. notice it . live your life to the fullest potential , and always fight for your dreams."

Monday, January 9, 2012

Research, POL


Topic: School uniforms/dress codes
Debatable Question: Do school uniforms impact the learning environment for students positively?
1. How many schools in the world currently enforce uniforms?
2. How do the grades differ between schools that require uniforms vs. those who don't?
3. How do students feel about wearing uniforms?
4. How do parents and teachers feel about having uniforms?
5. What are the negative effects of uniforms on the social aspects of school?
6. What are the positive effects of uniforms on the social aspects of school?
7. How much money would families save on clothes if their kids had uniforms?
8. How do students' attitudes change when they're required to wear uniforms?
9. How does the style of uniform change the way that students think about wearing them?
10. How do uniforms reduce the trouble in schools?